Part I: Background.
The Spectrum of Venous Disease. Venous Anatomy. Histology. Venous Physiology and Pathophysiology. Common Patterns of Abnormal Veins.
Part II: Diagnosis.
History and Physical Exam. Common Clinical Presentations. Continuous Wave Doppler. Other Tests for Venous Evaluation. Venous Imaging/Duplex Ultrasound. Treatment. Patient Education and Informed Consent. Treatment of Large Varicose Veins. Treatment of Small Veins. Sclerosing Solutions. Compression. Veins at Other Sites. Facial Veins. Contraindications and Other Considerations. Duplex Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy. Lasers and High Intensity Pulsed Light. Surgery for Truncal Varicose Veins. Ambulatory Phlebectomy. Radiofrequency Mediated Endovenous Occlusion. Problems. Minimizing and Treating Complications. Thrombophlebitis and Venous Thromboembolism. Non-Healing Ulcers. Practice. Outfitting the Phlebology Practice.
Appendix A: Forms.
Appendix B: Manufacturers & Distributors.
Appendix C: Terminology & Codes.