Transboundary animal diseases (TADs) are a major threat to livestock. They are highly contagious or transmissible, and they have the potential to cause high morbidity and mortality in both susceptible animal populations and humans. In addition, not only are TADs detrimental to national economies, they are also a serious threat to world food security. This volume presents the proceedings of an international workshop on Vaccines and Diagnostics for Transboundary Animal Diseases that was held in Ames (Iowa, USA) in 2012.
Experts and scientists from academia, industry and government reviewed the current status of vaccines and diagnostics for high priority TADs, decision-making and regulatory processes for veterinary biologics, and the roles and responsibilities of government agencies. The discussions also addressed achievements and gaps in vaccine and diagnostics development for 11 important TADs as well as the translation of research findings into licensed novel vaccines and diagnostics for high-priority TADs.
Session I: Roles and responsibilities facilitation and cooperation
1. The Role of the Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate in the Development of Vaccines and Diagnostics for Transboundary Animal Diseases
2. The Perspective of USDA APHIS Veterinary Services Emergency Management and Diagnostics in Preparing and Responding to Foreign Animal Diseases - Plans, Strategies, and Countermeasures
3. Agricultural Research Service: Biodefense Research
4. Biologics Industry Challenges for Developing Diagnostic Tests for the National Veterinary Stockpile
5. Translating Research into Licensed Vaccines and Validated and Licensed Diagnostic Tests
Session II: State of the art, progress and gaps in development of vaccines and diagnostics for high priority transboundary diseases for the NVS
6. Vaccination for the Control of Rift Valley Fever in Enzootic and Epizootic Situations
7. Diagnostic Approaches for Rift Valley Fever
8. Current Status and Future Needs in Diagnostics and Vaccines for High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza
9. Newcastle Disease: Progress and Gaps in the Development of Vaccines and Diagnostic Tools
10. Novel Approaches to Foot-and-Mouth Disease Vaccine Development
11. Diagnosis of Foot-and-Mouth Disease
12. Passive Immunization and Active Vaccination against Hendra and Nipah Viruses
13. Current Status of Diagnostic Methods for Henipavirus
14. Prospects for Development of African Swine Fever Virus Vaccines
15. African Swine Fever Diagnosis Update
16. Classical Swine Fever
17. Schmallenberg Virus
18. Q Fever Diagnosis and Control in Domestic Ruminants
19. Opportunities in Diagnostic and Vaccine Approaches to Mitigate Potential Heartwater Spreading and Impact on the American Mainland
20. Ebola: Facing a New Transboundary Animal Disease?
21. Review of Ebola Virus Infections in Domestic Animals