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USING WHOLE BODY VIBRATION IN PHYSICAL THERAPY‚ Clinical Practice and Treatment Exercises

USING WHOLE BODY VIBRATION IN PHYSICAL THERAPY- Clinical Practice and Treatment Exercises-9780702031731
  1. Autor:


  2. Isbn:


  3. Páginas:


  4. Año:


  5. Edición:


  6. Idioma:


  7. Disponibilidad:

    De 2 a 3 Semanas

Precio s/iva:

39.00 €

37,05  €

"Using Whole Body Vibration in Physical Therapy and Sport" is an innovative new manual demonstrating the application of vibration technology to the treatment of pathologies such as osteoporosis, osteopenia, stroke and different musculoskeletal disorders. It covers pathology on the upper and lower extremities as well as the whole spine. New treatment strategies are practically and logically presented with recommended exercises and accompanying instructions which can be applied using the vibration platforms. Rationale is given for selected vibration frequencies, amplitudes and modes for the duration and frequency of the exercise session. The manual is grounded in evidence underpinned by a thorough literature review (including a balanced view of both pros and cons) and clinical cases. The authors present clinical treatment parameters that are evidence-based and have supportive physiological rationale that is consistent with the nature of the pathology being treated. The text is further supported by online access to over 35 video clips demonstrating the possible treatment exercises. This must-have guide for clinicians and therapists enables use of whole body vibration as a treatment and ensures best practice throughout.

Chapter 1. Introduction
Is vibration a natural stimulus?
Commercial devices that deliver WBV

Chapter 2. Biomechanic principles of WBV
The inverted pendulum and walking
Simple harmonic motion (SHM)
Motor control: length, stiffness and potential
Force exerted by stretched or compressed material
Elastic potential energy
Hill model of viscoelasticity and motor control
Generation of torque and the conservation of momentum
Inverse dynamics
Eccentric exercise and plyometrics

Chapter 3. Theoretical considerations in the clinical application of WBV to sarcopenia, osteoporosis and metabolic syndrome
WBV and muscle function
Immune function and Sarcopenia
Clinical affects of WBV on bone density
Clinical affects of WBV on obesity and metabolic syndrome

Chapter 4. Indications and contraindications in the clinical application of WBV: immediate and long term affects and their influence on the selection of dosage
Clinical research on acute and long-term effects of WBV
The influence of WBV on pain

Chapter 5. Whole body vibration: treatment with patients or athletes
Preparation for Therapy
Guidelines and indications using examples of exercises for specific clinical conditions
Exercise proposals
Strengthening exercises

Chapter 6. WBV as a warm-up prior to sport - effects on flexibility
Whole body vibration and the effect on flexibility: a review
Exercises proposals: stretching section
Appendix: Synopsis of research into WBV

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