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Gastos de envío GRATIS

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  7. Disponibilidad:

    De 7 a 10 Días

Precio s/iva:

276.99 €

263,14  €

Thoracic surgery has evolved substantially in recent years, with tremendous advancements in minimally invasive surgical procedures, novel techniques for sublobar resection, perioperative management, and more. Thoracic Surgery Atlas, 2nd Edition, written by Dr. Mark K. Ferguson, brings you fully up to date with all aspects of this fast-changing field. Comprehensive and highly illustrated, this general thoracic surgery text covers procedures involving all chest organs (lungs, esophagus, trachea, mediastinum, chest wall, and diaphragm), offering authoritative guidance on virtually any thoracic operation you""re likely to perform_from cancer surgery to management of a variety of benign conditions, including esophageal disorders, empyema, tracheal stricture, and much more.

Key Features
- Includes authoritative, experience-based observations to help guide you through details of complex procedures, avoid common problems, and manage complications when they occur.
- Features numerous high-quality, original color and tone drawings that depict the relevant anatomy and steps associated with each procedure.
- Expands coverage to include new areas of thoracic surgery, new and updated illustrations, and new content and references throughout.
- Provides new information on ERAS protocol summaries for perioperative care, consensus guidelines for essential steps in minimally invasive lung resection, new surgical approaches to mediastinal abnormalities, increased focus on VATS and robotic operations including uniportal surgery, new methods of treating thoracic outlet syndrome, new approaches to managing malignant ventricular arrhythmias through sympathectomy, more advanced techniques for pleurectomy for mesothelioma, and descriptions of a variety of newer muscle flaps for reconstruction.
- An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.

Chapter 1. Incisions
1-1. Anatomy
1-2. Lateral Thoracotomy
1-3. Lateral Muscle-Sparing Thoracotomy
1-4. Posterolateral Thoracotomy
1-5. Anterolateral Thoracotomy
1-6. Axillary Thoracotomy
1-7. Sternotomy and Its Variations
1-8. Transverse Sternothoracotomy
Chapter 2. Minimally Invasive Approaches
2-1. Thoracoscopy
2-3. Laparoscopy
Chapter 3. Pulmonary Procedures
3-1. Anatomy
3-2. General Considerations
3-3. Right Upper Lobectomy
3-4. Right Middle Lobectomy
3-5. Right Lower Lobectomy
3-6. Left Upper Lobectomy
3-7. Left Lower Lobectomy
3-8. Right Pneumonectomy
3-9. Left Pneumonectomy
3-10. Segmentectomy_Lingula
3-11. Segmentectomy_Trisegmentectomy (Lingular-Sparing Left Upper Lobectomy)
3-12. Segmentectomy_Basilar
3-13. Segmentectomy_Superior
3-14. Segmentectomy_Apical, Posterior, Anterior
3-15. Bronchial Sleeve Resection
3-16. Pulmonary Arterioplasty, Bronchovascular Sleeve Resection
3-17. Lung Volume Reduction Surgery
3-18. Management of Giant Bullae
3-19. Wedge Resection and Nodulectomy
Chapter 4. Chest Wall
4-1. Rib Resection
4-2. Sternal Resection
4-3. Anterior Approach to Superior Sulcus Tumors
4-4. Posterior Approach to Superior Sulcus Tumors
4-5. Resection of Cancer Invading Vertebral Bodies
4-6. Reconstruction of the Bony Chest Wall
4-7. Correction of Pectus Deformities
4-8. Surgery for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Chapter 5. Mediastinum
5-1. Anatomy
5-2. Cervical Mediastinoscopy
5-3. Parasternal Mediastinotomy
5-4. Thoracoscopic Mediastinal Biopsy
5-5. Transcervical Thymectomy
5-6. Transsternal Thymectomy
5-7. Minimally Invasive Thymectomy
5-8. Subxiphoid Pericardiotomy
5-9. Mediastinal Cyst Excision
5-10. Neurogenic Tumor Excision
Chapter 6. Esophagus
6-1. Anatomy
6-2. Minimally Invasive Total Fundoplication (Nissen)
6-3. Transthoracic Total Fundoplication (Nissen)
6-4. Partial Posterior Fundoplication (Toupet)
6-5. Partial Anterior Fundoplication (Dor)
6-6. Transthoracic Partial Fundoplication (Belsey)
6-7. Collis Gastroplasty
6-8. Laparoscopic Esophageal Myotomy
6-9. Thoracic Approaches to Esophageal Myotomy
6-10. Management of Pulsion Diverticula
6-11. Management of Pharyngoesophageal Diverticula
6-12. Transhiatal Esophagectomy
6-13. Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy
6-14. Esophagectomy via Left Thoracotomy
6-15. Three-Field Lymphadenectomy
6-16. Stomach Pull-up
6-17. Colon Interposition
6-18. Small Bowel Interposition
6-19. Sutured Anastomosis
6-20. Linear Stapled Anastomosis
6-21. Circular Stapled Anastomosis
6-22. Esophageal Exclusion
6-23. Primary Repair of Esophageal Perforation
Chapter 7. Thoracic Duct
7-1. Anatomy
7-2. Thoracic Duct Ligation
Chapter 8. Sympathetic Chain
8-1. Anatomy
8-2. Sympathotomy
8-3. Sympathectomy for Ventricular Arrhythmias
Chapter 9. Diaphragm
9-1. Anatomy
9-2. Plication
9-3. Giant Paraesophageal Hernia Repair
9-4. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair
9-5. Traumatic Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair
Chapter 10. Trachea
10-1. Anatomy
10-2. Resection for Tracheal Stenosis
10-3. Carinal Resection
10-4. Management of Esophageal-Airway Fistula
10-5. Management of Subglottic Stenosis
10-6. Management of Airway Trauma
10-7. Management of Tracheo-innominate Artery Fistula
Chapter 11. Pleura
11-1. Decortication
11-2. Thoracoplasty
11-4. Potentially Curative Surgery for Mesothelioma
Chapter 12. Soft Tissue Flaps
12-1. Applications
12-2. Latissimus Dorsi and Serratus Anterior Flaps
12-3. Rectus Abdominus and Pectoralis Major Flaps
12-4. Omentum and Intercostal Muscle Flaps
12-5. Other Flaps of Interest

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