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    De 2 a 3 Semanas

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174.60 €

165,87  €

Section 1 Surgical Biology
1. Shock: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment
2. Fluids, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Therapy
3. Hemostasis, Surgical Bleeding, and Transfusion
4. Wound Repair and Specific Response to Injury
5. Nutritional Support of Hospitalized Cats and Dogs
6. Surgical Wound Infection and the Use of Antimicrobials
7. Organ Transplantation in Clinical Veterinary Practice
8. Trauma: Epidemiology and Mechanisms
9. Biomaterials and Surgical Implants
Section 2 Surgical Methods
10. Principles of Surgical Asepsis
11. Sterilization
12. Assessment and Preparation of the Surgical Patient and the Operating Team
13. Surgical Facilities and Equipment
14. Surgical Instruments
15. Basic Operative Techniques
16. Cryosurgery
17. Surgical Lasers
18. Suture Materials, Tissue Adhesives, Staplers, and Ligating Clips
19. Bandages and Drains
Section 3 Skin and Adnexa
20. The Integument
21. Superficial Skin Wounds
22. Principles of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
23. Pedicle Grafts
24. Skin Grafts
25. Surgical Treatment of Specific Skin Disorders
26. Burns: Thermal, Electrical, Chemical, and Cold Injuries
Section 4 Body Cavities and Hernias
27. Thoracic Wall
28. Pleura and Pleural Space
29. Abdominal Wall
30. Peritoneum and Peritoneal Cavity
31. Hernias
32. Abdominal Hernias
33. Diaphragmatic, Pericardial, and Hiatal Hernia
34. Perineal Hernia
Section 5 Gastrointestinal System
35. Functional Anatomy of the Digestive System
36. Physiology of the Digestive System
37. Pathophysiology of Gastrointestinal Disease
38. Tongue, Lips, Cheeks, Pharynx, and Salivary Glands
39. Esophagus
40. Stomach
41. Small Intestines
42. Large Intestine
43. Rectum and Anus
44. Liver and Biliary System
45. Portosystemic Shunts and Other Hepatic Vascular Anomalies
46. Surgery of the Exocrine Pancreas
Section 6 Respiratory System
47. Functional Anatomy
48. Pathophysiology of the Respiratory System
49. Evaluation of the Surgical Respiratory Patient
50. Brachycephalic Syndrome
51. Cleft Palate
52. Nasal Passages, Sinus, and Palate
53. Laryngeal Paralysis and Devocalization
54. Laryngeal Trauma and Stenosis
55. Diseases of the Trachea and Bronchi
56. Lungs
57. Care of Respiratory Patients
Section 7 Cardiovascular System
58. Surgical Anatomy of the Heart
59. Pathophysiology of Heart Failure
60. Interventional Catheterization Procedures
61. Pacemaker Therapy
62. Inflow Occlusion and Cardiopulmonary Bypass
63. Cardiac Surgery
64. Surgery of the Pericardium
65. Principles of Vascular Surgery
66. Cardiopulmonary Supportive Care
Section 8 Hemolymphatic System
67. Hematopoiesis
68. Hematopoietic Dysfunction
69. Bone Marrow
70. Spleen
71. Lymphatics and Lymph Nodes
72. The Tonsils
73. The Thymus
Section 9 Nervous System
74. Neurological Examination and Localization
75. Electrodiagnosis
76. Neuroradiology
77. Pathogenesis of Diseases of the Central Nervous System
78. Surgical Approaches in Central Nervous System Surgery
79. Atlantoaxial Conditions and Wobbler Syndrome
80. Intervertebral Disk Disease
81. Miscellaneous Spinal Conditions and Peripheral Nerve Injuries
82. Lumbosacral Syndrome
83. Vertebral Fractures and Luxations
84. Intracranial Surgery
85. Neuro-oncological Surgery of the Vertebral Column and Spinal Cord
Section 10 Eye and Adnexa
86. Principles of Ophthalmic Surgery
87. Surgery of the Eyelids
88. Conjunctiva
89. The Nasolacrimal System
90. Third Eyelid
91. Cornea and Sclera
92. Iris and Ciliary Body
93. Lens
94. Vitreous and Retina
95. Orbit
96. Glaucoma
97. Ophthalmic Emergencies
Section 11 Reproductive System
98. Ovary and Uterus
99. Vagina, Vestibule, and Vulva
100. Normal and Abnormal Parturition
101. Cesarean Section
102. Testes and Epididymis
103. Penis, Prepuce, and Scrotum
104. Prostate
Section 12 Urinary System
105. Development of the Urinary System
106. Physiology of the Urinary Tract
107. Pathophysiology and Therapeutics of Urinary Tract Diseases
108. Principles of Urinary Tract Surgery
109. Kidneys
110. Ureters
111. Urinary Bladder
112. The Urethra
113. Lower Urinary Tract Diseases
114. Medical Treatment of Urolithiasis
115. Prevention of Acute Renal Failure
Section 13 Endocrine System
116. Hypophysectomy
117. Adrenalectomy
118. Thyroid Gland
119. Parathyroid Gland
120. Endocrine Pancreas
Section 14 Ear
121. Pinna
122. External Ear Canal
123. Middle Ear
124. Clinical Evaluation of Auditory Function
Section 15 Musculoskeletal System
125. Connective Tissue of the Musculoskeletal System
126. Fracture Biology and Biomechanics
127. Treatment of Open Fractures
128. Internal Fracture Fixation
129. External Skeletal Fixation
130. External Coaptation
131. Delayed Unions, Nonunions, and Malunions
132. Orthopedic Infections
133. Bone Grafts
134. Scapula
135. Luxation of the Scapulohumeral Joint
136. Fractures of the Humerus
137. Elbow Luxation
138. Canine Elbow Dysplasia
139. Fractures of the Radius and Ulna
140. Carpus and Digits
141. Fractures of the Pelvis
142. Coxofemoral Luxations
143. Hip Dysplasia: Pathogenesis
144. Canine Hip Dysplasia: Diagnosis and Nonsurgical Treatment
145. Surgical Treatment of Canine Hip Dysplasia
146. Fractures of the Femur
147. Stifle Joint
148. Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy
149. Fractures of the Tibia and Fibula
150. The Tarsus and Metatarsus
151. Arthrodesis
152. Amputations
153. Maxillofacial Fractures
154. Osteoarthritis
155. Immune-Mediated Polyarthritis
156. Miscellaneous Orthopaedic Disorders
157. Perthes"" Disease
158. Muscle and Tendon Disorders
159. Limb-Sparing Surgery for Dogs with Bone Neoplasia
160. Small Animal Arthroscopy
Section 16 Oncology
161. Biology of Neoplastic Disease
162. Diagnosis of Neoplasia
163. Surgical Therapy
164. Veterinary Radiation Teraphy
165. Chemotherapy of Neoplasia
166. Skin and Subcutis
167. Alimentary Tract, Liver, and Pancreas
168. Cardiac and Pericardial Neoplasia
169. Hematopoietic Neoplasia
170. Tumors Involving the Central and Peripheral Nervous System
171. Eye and Orbit
172. Reproductive Oncology
173. Urinary System
174. Musculoskeletal System
175. Respiratory Tract Neoplasia
176. Tumors of the Mandible, Maxilla, and Calvarium
Section 17 Anesthesia
177. Pain Management for the Surgical Patient
178. Patient Monitoring
179. Operating Room Emergencies
180. Elective Soft Tissue and Orthopaedic Procedures
181. Trauma or Shock Patient
182. Urinary System
183. Anesthesia for the Patient with Central Nervous System or Ophthalmic Disease
184. Respiratory System
185. Cardiovascular System
186. Hepatic and Gastrointestinal Surgery
187. Endocrine System
188. Anesthesia for the Pediatric and Geriatric Patient
189. Cesarean Section
190. Triage and Initial Support of the Trauma Patient
191. Postoperative Patient Care
192. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
193. Positive-Pressure Ventilation
Section 18 Dentistry
194. Applied Oral Anatomy and Histology
195. Oral Pathology
196. Periodontal and Oral Inflammatory Disease
197. Periodontics
198. Endodontics
199. Restorative Dentistry
200. Orthodontics
201. Exodontics
Appendix: Normal Laboratory Values for the Dog and Cat

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