Stress Echocardiography - Its Role in the Diagnosis and Evaluation of Coronary Artery Disease - Second Edition by Thomas Marwick is a concise, practical guide for anyone new to the field of stress echocardiography or an excellent summary of the existing evidence base for the experienced user. This new edition includes, in the back, a CD-ROM with images film loops and a slide presentation.
1: Performance of stress echocardiography. Practical aspects of image acquisition and stress testing.
Equipment for stress echocardiography. Acquisition of stress echocardiograms. Stress echocardiography protocols - an overview. Exercise echocardiography. Exercise simulating agents. Vasodilator stressors. Ergonovine stress testing. Pacing stress. Choice of exercise vs non-exercise stress.
2: Interpretation of stress echocardiography. Qualitative and emerging quantitative approaches.
Qualitative interpretation. Semi-quantitative interpretation. Quantitative analysis. Conclusion.
3: Accuracy of stress echocardiography. Comparison with coronary stenoses.
Methodologic influences on the measurement of accuracy. Clinical influences on the accuracy of stress echocardiography. Accuracy of exercise echocardiography. Accuracy of dobutamine stress echocardiography. Accuracy of vasodilator stress echocardiography. Accuracy of pacing stress echocardiography. Causes of discordance between stress echocardiography and angiography. Evaluation of the site and extent of coronary artery disease. Selection of the appropriate stress protocol. Conclusions.
4: Comparison of stress echo with standard stress testing. Is the exercise ECG obsolete?
Introduction. Test selection in active patients with interpretable electrocardiogram. Use of stress echo in subgroups where the stress ECG is unreliable. Pharmacologic stress echo vs stress ECG in patients unable to exercise. Implications - Should a stress echo be used as the diagnostic test of choice in all patients with suspected coronary disease?
5: Comparison of stress echocardiography and other stress-imaging techniques for the diagnosis of coronary heart disease. Is there a "test of choice"?
Current status of other stress-imaging approaches for the diagnosis of coronary heart disease. Accuracy of stress echo versus stress nuclear ventriculography. Accuracy of stress echo versus perfusion scintigraphy. Accuracy of stress echocardiography compared with magnetic resonance imaging. Conclusion - selection of stress imaging techniques for the diagnosis of coronary disease.
6: Use of stress echocardiography for planning and evaluation of interventions and medical treatment. Application of physiologic data to patient management.
Use for evaluation and follow-up of coronary artery disease. Use for evaluation and follow-up of myocardial disease. Use for evaluation and follow-up of valvular heart disease. Conclusions.
7: Application of stress echocardiography to the prediction of outcomes. A powerful tool for prognostic evaluation.
Assessment of prognosis in patients with stable coronary disease. Use of stress echocardiography to assess prognosis after myocardial infarction. Prediction of cardiac events in patients undergoing major non-cardiac surgery. Conclusion.
8: Echocardiographic determination of myocardial viability. Predicting regional and global recovery.
Introduction. Definition of viable myocardium. Approaches to the detection of myocardial viability. Prediction of functional recovery with echocardiographic techniques. Prediction of global functional endpoints. Comparison with other techniques for prediction of viable myocardium.