This work: includes a new chapter on logistic regression discusses the design and analysis of random trials explores the latest applications of sample size tables and contains a new section on binomial distribution.
1. An Introduction to Applied Probability.
2. Statistical Inference for a Single Proportion.
3. Assessing Significance in a Fourfold Table.
4. Determining Sample Sizes Needed to Detect a Difference between Two Proportions.
5. How to Randomize.
6. Comparative Studies: Cross-sectional, Naturalistic, or Multinomial Sampling.
7. Comparative Studies: Prospective and Retrospective Sampling.
8. Randomized Controlled Trials.
9. The Comparison of Proportions from Several Independent Samples.
10. Combining Evidence from Fourfold Tables.
11. Logistic Regression.
12. Poisson Regression.
13. The Analysis of Data from Matched Samples.
14. Regression Models for Matched Samples.
15. Analysis of Correlated Binary Data.
16. Missing Data.
17. Misclassification: Effects, Control, and Adjustment.
18. The Measurement of Interrater Agreement.
19. The Standardization of Rates.
App. A: Numerical Table.
App. B: The Basic Theory of Maximum Likelihood Estimation.
App. C: Answers to Selected Problems.