Focused and concise, yet comprehensive in scope, this completely revised and updated reference provides essential, practical information in the highly popular question-and-answer format of the "Secrets Series" [registered]. In over 100 chapters, the authors ask and answer a series of key questions that routinely confront the veterinarian on the front lines of small animal care. Major sections include General Concepts, Soft Tissue Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Oncologic Surgery, and Dental Surgery.
Provides practical information in the question-and-answer format of the "Secrets Series" [registered]. In over 100 chapters, this book asks and answers a series of key questions that routinely confront the veterinarian on the front lines of small animal care. Major sections include General Concepts, Neurosurgery, and Dental Surgery.
1.Wound Healing 2.Control of Infection 3.Shock 4.Anesthesia 5.Perioperative Pain Management 6.Physical Therapy 7.Perioperative Nutrition 8.Dressings and External Coaptation 9.Monitoring the Postoperative Patient 10.Sutures, Staples, and Adhesives 11.Laser Surgery 12.Minimally Invasive Surgery 13.Arthroscopy
14.Skin Grafts 15.Skin Flaps, 16.Management of Burn Wounds 17.Nasopharyngeal Diseases 18.Ear Canal Resection, Ablation, and Bulla Osteotomy 19.Salivary Gland Diseases 20.Brachycephalic Syndrome 21.Laryngeal Paralysis 22.Tracheostomy 23.Tracheal Resection and Anastomosis 24.Thyroid Tumors 25.Parathyroid Tumors 26.Pulmonary Lobectomy 27.Chylothorax 28.Thoracic Wall Resection and Reconstruction 29.Patent Ductus Arteriosus 30.Cardiac Valvular Surgeries 31.Persistent Right Aortic Arch, 32.Pericardectomy 33.Esophageal Foreign Bodies 34.Diaphragmatic Hernias 35.Hepatic Lobectomy 36.Portosystemic Shunts 37.Biliary Surgery 38.Gastric Dilatation Volvulus 39.Gastrointestinal Foreign Bodies 40.Gastric Outflow Obstruction 41.Intussusception 42.Intestinal Volvulus 43.Peritonitis 44.Megacolon 45.Rectal Tumors 46.Perianal Fistulae 47.Perineal Hernia 48.Anal Sac Disease 49.Adrenalectomy 50.Pancreatectomy 51.Splenectomy 52.Renal Neoplasia and Calculi 53.Ectopic Ureters 54.Ureteral Tears and Calculi 55.Urinary Bladder Calculi and Neoplasia 56.Urethrostomies 57.Pyometra 58.Episiotomy and Episioplasty 59.Mastectomy 60.Prostatic Disease 61.Ectopic and Neoplastic Testicles
62.Principles of Fracture Repair 63.Mandibular and Maxillary Fractures 64.Fractures of the Scapula 65.Fractures of the Humerus 66.Fractures of the Radius and Ulna 67.Traumatic Injuries of the Carpus and Metacarpus 68.Pelvic Fractures 69.Fractures of the Femur 70.Fractures of the Tibia and Fibula 71.Traumatic Injuries of the Tarsus and Metatarsus 72.Physeal Fractures 73.Orthopedic Complications 74.Growth Deformities 75.Bone Grafting 76.Developmental Bone Diseases 77.Osteochondrosis 78.Elbow Dysplasia 79.Hip Dysplasia 80.Traumatic Joint Luxations 81.Patellar Luxations 82.Cruciate Ligament Injuries 83.Meniscectomy 84.Tendon Injuries 85.Traumatic Myopathies 86.Arthrodesis 87.Osteomyelitis 88.Osteoarthritis
89.Intervertebral Disc Disease 90.Discospondylitis 91.Cervical Vertebral Instability 92.Vertebral Fractures and Luxations 93.Neoplasms of the Spine 94.Lumbosacral Disease 95.Peripheral Nerve Surgery 96.Brain Tumors
97.Principles of Oncologic Surgery 98.Bone Tumors 99.Soft Tissue Sarcomas 100.Oral Tumors 101.Cutaneous and Subcutaneous Tumors VI.ORAL SURGERY 102.Exodontia 103.Palatal Defects
104.Academic Versus Private Practice 105.Surgeons in Industry