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REGENERATIVE MEDICINE‚ A Complete Guide for Musculoskeletal and Spine Disorders

REGENERATIVE MEDICINE- A Complete Guide for Musculoskeletal and Spine Disorders-9783030755164
  1. Autor:


  2. Isbn:


  3. Páginas:


  4. Año:


  5. Edición:


  6. Idioma:


  7. Disponibilidad:

    De 7 a 10 Días

Precio s/iva:

145.00 €

137,75  €

This book explores the rapidly growing subspecialty of regenerative medicine in pain management. It provides concise guidelines and instruction for healthcare providers interested in implementing this novel therapy.

The book contains three sections and begins with a thorough introduction to the field. Additionally, section one examines various therapies such as stem cell collection, allograft therapies, and bone marrow aspirations. Section two then delves into the medical diagnosis and procedural guidance methods, including ultrasound imaging, discography, local anesthetics, and anticoagulation medications. Following this, section three concludes the book with numerous discussions on standardized treatment paradigms.

A unique, first-of-its-kind book, Regenerative Medicine seeks to inspire medical practitioners to integrate this subspecialty into pain management therapies and treatments.

Section I - Basics of Regenerative Medicine
1) Introduction to Regenerative Medicine
2) Prolotherapy
3) Blood Productsa. Platelet Rich Plasmab. Platelet Poor Plasma with Alpha-2-Macroglobulinc. Orthokine
4) Bone Marrow Aspirate/autologous stem cellsa. Techniquesb. Processingc. Applications
5) Stromal Vascular Fraction (Adipose)a. Techniques (Mechanical vs. Enzymatic)b. Legality
6) Fibrin
7) Allografta. Guidelines for allograftb. Umbilical cordc. Wharton""s Jellyd. Amniotic Tissue
8) Autologous Expandeda. Bankingb. Expansion Rules & Regulationsc. Methods - Regenexx, etc
Section II - Imaging, Guidance, & Planning
9) Basics of Ultrasound
10) In Plane vs. Out of Plane
11) Probe Selection
12) Technical Aspects
13) Basics of Fluoroscopy
14) Fluoro Safety
15) Pre-Treatment Planninga. Imaging (i.e. MRI)b. Discographyc. Pre-procedure planning for u/s guided injections
16) Local Anesthetic & NSAID""s
Section III - Treatment Paradigms
17) Tendon - Allograft, Autologous, Concepts, Studies and Recommendations
18) Ligament - Allograft, Autologous, Concepts, Studies, and Recommendations
19) Joint - Allograft, Autologous, Concepts, Studies, and Recommendationsa. Kneeb. Hipc. Shoulderd. Elbowe. Anklef. Hand/wrist
20) Axial Skeleton - Allograft, Autologous, Concepts, Studies and Recommendationsa. Intervertebral Discsb. Facetsc. SIJ
21) Wound healing a. Allograft, Autologous
22) Aesthetics a. Allograft, Autologousb. Hair regrowthc. Facials

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