Companion animal behaviour therapy is an area of veterinary expertise that has expanded dramatically over the last few years, yet there are still few scientifically based text books on the subject. Este libro será un libro de texto para estudiantes y profesionales, proporcionando los conceptos básicos necesarios para resolver los problemas de conducta en los animales de compañía. This book will be a comprehensive textbook for students and professionals, providing the basic concepts needed to solve behaviour problems in companion animals. Al concentrarse en los principios que subyacen en el desarrollo tanto de las conductas normales y anormales, el lector podrá desarrollar una comprensión de cómo surgen los problemas de conducta, y un método racional de abordar el tratamiento de ellos. By concentrating on the principles that underlie the development of both normal and abnormal behaviours, the reader will develop an understanding of how behaviour problems arise, and a rational method of approaching the treatment of them.