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PREVENTIVE CARDIOLOGY (A companion to Braunwald"s Heart Disease)

PREVENTIVE CARDIOLOGY (A companion to Braunwald"s Heart Disease)-9781437713664
  1. Autor:


  2. Isbn:


  3. Páginas:


  4. Año:


  5. Edición:


  6. Idioma:


  7. Disponibilidad:

    De 2 a 3 Semanas

Precio s/iva:

136.01 €

129,21  €

Preventive Cardiology-a new Companion to Braunwald""s Heart Disease-addresses the prevention and risk stratification of cardiovascular disease so that you can delay the onset of disease and moderate the effects and complications. Drs. Roger Blumenthal, JoAnne Foody, and Nathan Wong discuss the full range of relevant considerations, including the epidemiology of heart disease, risk assessment, risk factors, multiple risk factor-based prevention strategies, and developments in genetics and personalized medicine. With access to the fully searchable text online at, this authoritative reference gives you the clinically relevant information you need for the effective prevention of cardiovascular disease.

1. Preventive Cardiology: Past, Present and Future
2. National and International Trends in Cardiovascular Disease: Incidence and Risk Factors
3. Prediction of Cardiovascular Disease: Framingham Risk Estimation and Beyond
4. Genetics of Cardiovascular Disease and Its Role in Risk Prediction
5. Novel Biomarkers Assessing Cardiovascular Risk
6. Advanced Risk Assessment in Patients with Kidney and Inflammatory Diseases
7. Antiplatelet Therapy
8. Molecular Biology and Genetics and Atherosclerosis
9. Hypertension: JNC 7 and Beyond
10. Heart Failure Prevention
11. Antihypertensive Drugs and Their Cardio- and Renoprotective Roles in the Prevention and Management of Cardiovascular Disease
12. Evaluation and Management of Dyslipidemia in Children and Adolescents
13. The Role of HDL Cholesterol in the Development of Atherosclerotic CVD
14. Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol: Role in Atherosclerosis and Approaches to Therapeutic Management
15. The Contribution of Triglycerides and Triglyceride-Rich Lipoproteins to Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease
16. Nutritional Approaches for CVD Prevention
17. Integrative Medicine in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
18. Effects of Alcohol on CVD Risk
19. Overweight, Obesity, and Cardiovascular Risk
20. Tobacco Use, Passive Smoking, and Cardiovascular Disease: Research and Smoking Cessation Interventions
21. Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
22. Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Disease
23. Role of Ethnicity in CVD - Lessons learned from MESA and other population based studies
24. Prevention of Ischemic Heart Disease in Women
25. Cardiovascular Aging the Next Frontier in Cardiovascular Prevention
26. Concepts of Screening for Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Disease
27. Role of Vascular CT in Evaluation and Prevention of CVD
28. Use of Cardiac MRI and PET in Assessment of CVD Risk and Atherosclerosis Progression
29. Exercise Treadmill Stress Testing with and without Imaging
30. Carotid Intima-Media Thickness Measurement and Plaque Detection for Cardiovascular Disease Risk Prediction
31. Peripheral Artery Disease Assessment and Management
32. Endothelial Function and Dysfunction
33. Exercise for Restoring Health and Preventing Vascular Disease FSGC
34. Psychological Risk Factors and Coronary Artery Disease: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology and Management
35. The Role of Treatment Adherence in Cardiac Risk Factor Modification
36. Clinical Practice Guidelines and Performance Measures in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease

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