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PHACO CHOP‚ Mastering Techniques‚ Optimizing Technology‚ & Avoiding Co

PHACO CHOP- Mastering Techniques- Optimizing Technology- & Avoiding Co-9781556426797
  1. Autor:


  2. Isbn:


  3. Páginas:


  4. Año:


  5. Edición:


  6. Idioma:


  7. Disponibilidad:

    De 2 a 3 Semanas

Precio s/iva:

201.92 €

191,82  €

Phaco Chop: Mastering Techniques, Optimizing Technology, and Avoiding Complications covers everything from step-by-step instruction for the beginner to advanced chopping for complicated cases or bimanual phaco. As the first text completely devoted to this popular topic, it is equally relevant to transitioning surgeons and to those already experienced with chopping.
Phaco Chop has four major sections, beginning with a detailed guide for learning phaco chop and its main variations. David F. Chang, MD along with contributing authors Randall J. Olson, MD Louis D. "Skip" Nichamin, MD and Barry S. Seibel, MD outline their pearls based upon years of experience in teaching residents and transitioning surgeons.
The second section is devoted to the phacodynamics of chopping-the general principles of instrumentation and configuring machine parameters. As a unique feature, four separate chapters are specifically devoted to optimizing the Legacy, Infiniti, Sovereign, and Millennium machines for chopping.
Strategies for managing complicated cases and complications comprise the primary focus for the third section. While chopping techniques are particularly advantageous for complicated cataracts, they must be integrated with other devices and strategies. Newer strategies for posterior capsule rupture include the Viscoat PAL, Viscoat Trap, and the pars plana anterior vitrectomy. These options are relevant for any phaco surgeon, regardless of technique or experience. The last section explores a topic that is generating growing interest - bimanual phaco. This is a promising and advanced application that combines phaco chop with the latest innovations in micro-incisional phaco technology.
Additionally, a DVD is included containing 2 hours of instructional video that complement and supplement the text. Together with the many high-resolution operative photographs, this paired format overcomes the limitations of learning new and advanced surgical techniques from a text alone. With its comprehensive and integrated emphasis on advanced surgical techniques, optimizing phaco technology, and complication management, Phaco Chop appeals equally to beginning surgeons and residents, as well as high volume surgeons eager to improve their skills.
Four Main Sections:
Techniques for performing and transitioning to phaco chop
Optimizing machine settings for chopping techniques
Strategies for complicated cataracts, and for managing complications
Applications for bimanual phaco

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