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Solo para España


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  7. Disponibilidad:

    De 2 a 3 Semanas

Precio s/iva:

69.30 €

65,84  €

Patients undergoing surgery often have medical problems that may influence their perioperative risk. Optimal management involves collaboration of the health care team members including the medical consultant, anesthesiologist, and surgeon.

Perioperative Medicine brings together the principles and practice of all phases of perioperative care - preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative. This book is a concise, yet comprehensive, review of perioperative medicine written and edited by leading experts in internal medicine, hospital medicine, and anesthesiology. It reviews the practical aspects of perioperative patient care, primarily from a medical view, and uses a bulleted format that condenses and highlights the key concepts for easy reference. It covers perioperative care from risk assessment to postoperative follow-up, including the role of the consultant, preoperative testing and risk assessment, perioperative medication management, and prophylactic measures, surgery-specific risks, and postoperative complications.

The editor has over 25 years of experience in perioperative medical consultation at a large, academic medical center, and has used his expertise to focus on information useful to practicing clinicians. The target audience is generalists as well as specialists who are involved in perioperative patient care, including internists, hospitalists, anesthesiologists, surgeons, physicians"" assistants, nurse anesthetists, and residents in training.

Section 1 - Preoperative Evaluation.- 1. Role of the Medical Consultant
2. Preoperative Testing
3. Perioperative Medication Management
4. Perioperative Management of Anticoagulation
5. Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis
6. Prevention of Infective Endocarditis (Bacterial Endocarditis)
7. Surgical Site Infection Prophylaxis
8. Anesthesiology for the non-Anesthesisologist

Section 2 - Surgery-Specific Risks
9. Abdominal Surgery
10. Thoracic Surgery
11. Vascular Surgery
12. Orthopedic Surgery
13. Neurosurgery
14. Gynecologic Surgery
15. Urologic Surgery
16. Bariatric Surgery
17. Ophthalmic surgery
18. Otolaryngologic Procedures
19. Electroconvulsive Therapy

Section 3 - Preoperative Evaluation and Management of Co-existing Medical Diseases
20. Preoperative Cardiac Risk Assessment and Perioperative Management
21. Preoperative Pulmonary Evaluation
22. Endocrine Disease
23. Hematologic Disease
24. Cancer
25. Perioperative HIV
26. Preoperative Evaluation and Management for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
27. Perioperative Evaluation of GI Disease
28. Perioperative Management of the Patient with Rheumatic Disease
29. Neurologic Disease
30. Psychiatric Conditions
31. Perioperative Care of Patients with Substance Abuse
32. The Pregnant Surgical Patient

Section 4 - Postoperative Complications
33. Postoperative Fever
34. Postoperative Hypertension/Hypotension
35. Arrhythmias
36. Perioperative Chest pain/Dyspnea
37. Postoperative Pulmonary Complications
38. Postoperative Venous Thromboembolism (DVT & PE)
39. Postoperative Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid/Base Disorders
40. Renal Failure
41. Anemia and Bleeding
42. Postoperative Jaundice
43. Postoperative Stroke and Seizures
44. Postoperative Delirium
45. Pain Management

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