Describes and illustrates surgical procedures of proven efficacy
Covers diverse congenital hand deformities and trauma to different parts of the hand
Explains how to make appropriate treatment choices
The Congenital Hand: Psychological Aspects
Babies Hand Imaging and X-ray
Hand Defects: An Isolated Anomaly Or a Syndromic Disease?
Paediatric Trigger Finger
Central Synpolydactyly
Thumb Polydactyly
Ulnar Polydactyly
Cleft Hand or Split Hand Foot Malformation
Brachydactyly Types D and E
Surgical Management of the Blauth 1 to 3A Thumb Hypoplasia
Thumb Hypoplasia: Genesia, Pollicization
Radial Longitudinal Deficiency: Classification and Surgical Technique
Progressive Bone Distraction Lengthening in the Treatment of Congenital Malformations of the Upper Limb
Radial Club Hand: Microvascular Reconstruction
Metacarpal Synostosis
Epidermolysis Bullosa
Arthrogryposis: Introduction and Classification
Thumb in Arthrogryposis
Vascular Malformations
Palliative Surgery in Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy
Nerve Injuries
Flexor Tendon Lesions in Children: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Early Active Motion Rehabilitation
Pediatric Hand Fractures
Hand Transplantation in Children
Rehabilitation in Pediatric Hand Trauma
Toe-to-Hand Transfers for Posttraumatic and Congenital Reconstruction in Children: Indications and Surgical Technique
Compartment Syndromes (CS) and Volkmann""s and Upper Limb Vascular Pathology in the Peri- and Neonatal Period
Postoperative Dressings and Care
Rehabilitation in Congenital Hand and Forearm Defects: Rehabilitation of the Child""s Hand_General Aspects
Association to Support Babies and Families