aking the reader from an understanding of the basic mechanisms of heart failure through to an appreciation of the complexities of heart failure management and the remarkable improvements possible with good treatment, the Oxford Textbook of Heart Failure 2e covers all aspects necessary to manage a patient with heart failure.
In full colour throughout, containing over 300 illustrations, and supported by detailed referencing from the huge evidence base that has developed over the last two decades, the textbook also includes extensive chapters on common co-morbidities. The new edition has been completely updated in line with new British and European Guidelines and contains new chapters on Natriuretic Peptides and Novel Biomarkers in Heart Failure, The Future of Heart Failure, and Regenerative Therapies.
Essential reading for consultant cardiologists and those in training, general physicians and those caring of the elderly, cardiothoracic surgeons, primary care doctors, pharmacists, and specialist nurses.
- The Oxford Textbook of Heart Failure 2e covers all aspects necessary to manage a patient with heart failure
- The textbook provides an understanding of the basic mechanisms of heart failure through to an appreciation of the complexities of heart failure management and the remarkable improvements possible with good treatment
- Full colour throughout, containing over 300 illustrations, and supported by detailed referencing from the huge evidence base that has developed over the last two decades
- Extensive chapters on common co-morbidities of heart failure
- Essential reading for consultant cardiologists and those in training, general physicians and those caring of the elderly, cardiothoracic surgeons, primary care doctors, pharmacists, and specialist nurses.
The new edition has been completely updated in line with new British and European Guidelines and contains new chapters on Natriuretic Peptides and Novel Biomarkers in Heart Failure, The Future of Heart Failure, and Regenerative Therapies.
1. What is Heart Failure?
1.:What is Heart Failure?, Andrew Clark
2.:Heart Failure Syndromes, Andrew Clark
2. Epidemiology
3.:The Epidemiology Of Heart Failure, Kaushik Guha and Theresa McDonagh
3. The Aetiology of Heart Failure
4.:The Classical Causes Of Heart Failure, Colette Jackson and Roy Gardner
5.:The Genetics Of Heart Failure, Giuseppe Limongelli and Perry Elliott
6.:Metabolic Disorders And Heart Failure, Stanley H. Korman and Andre Keren
7.:Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Lorna Swan and Rafael Alonso-Gonzalez
8.:Infective & Infiltrative Causes Of Heart Failure, Roy Gardner, Simon Beggs, and Andrew Clark
9.:Amyloidosis, Carol Whelan
10.:Acute Viral Myocarditis, Stephane Heymans
11.:Iatrogenic Heart Failure, Stuart Rosen and Ahmad Khwanda
12.:Peripartum Cardiomyopathy, Mark Petrie, Caroline Coats and Alice Jackson
13.:Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy, Alexander Lyon
4. Pathophysiology of Heart Failure: Cellular and Molecular changes
14.:The Pathophysiology Of Heart Failure, Theresa McDonagh and Henry J Dargie
15.:Cytokines And Inflammatory Markers, Dimitrios Miliopoulos, Aggeliki Gkouziouta, Evangelos Leontiadis, and Stomatis Adaniokous
16.:Calcium Handling, Cherry Alexander, Godfrey Smith, and Rachel Myles
17.:Myocardial Energetics, Julian O.M. Ormerod and Michael P. Frenneaux
18.:The Failing Cardiomyocyte, Gábor Földes, Sian Harding, and Alexander Lyon
19.:The Interstitium And Collagen, Anne Pizard and Faiez Zannad
20.:Natriuretic Peptides And Novel Biomarkers In Heart Failure, Theresa McDonagh
5. Diagnosis of Heart Failure
21.:Diagnosing Heart Failure, Henry Dargie and Theresa McDonagh
6. Non-Invasive investigation
22.:Basic Investigation Of Heart Failure, Roy Gardner and Simon Beggs 23.:Echocardiography, Alison Duncan 24.:Nuclear Medicine In Heart Failure, Pushan Bharadwaj and S. Richard Underwood 25.:Cardiac MRI, Sanjay Prasad and Brian Halliday 26.:CT, Laurens F. Tops, Michiel A. de Graaf, Victoria Delgado, and Jeroen J. Bax 27.:Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing In Chronic Heart Failure, Klaus Witte and Carrie Ferguson 7. Invasive Investigation
28.:Invasive Investigation, Roy Gardner 8. Prognostication
29.:Prognostication, Roy Gardner and Joanne Simpson 9. Comorbidities: The Patient with Heart Failure and_
30.:Diastolic Heart Failure, Walter Paulus and L. van Heerebeek
31.:Right Heart Failure, Andrew Clark
32.:Anaemia & Iron Deficiency, Paul Kalra and Michael Pope
33.:Renal Dysfunction, Daren Green and Philip A Kalra
34.:Chronic Lung Disease, Sara Roversi, Michael Greenstone, and Nathaniel M. Hawkins
35.:Pulmonary Hypertension, Simon Gibbs
36.:Diabetes, Andrew Jamieson
37.:Valvular Heart Disease, Bernard Prendergast and Hannah McConkey
38.:Sleep Disordered Breathing, Anita Simonds
39.:Arthritis, Nicola Walker and Sam Rodgers
40.:Arrhythmias, Ashley Nisbet and Derek T Connelly
41.:Pregnancy, Nicola Walker and Lorna Swan
42.:Anxiety And Depression, Anna Maddison and John Sharp
43.:Cognitive Impairment, John Baxter and Lesley Young
10. Treatment of Acute Heart Failure
44.:Inotropes And Pressors, Susanna Price and Shahana Uddin
45.:Vasodilators, Susan Piper and Theresa McDonagh
46.:Ventilatory Support, Christopher Armstrong and Alasdair Gray
47.:Therapeutic Control Of Fluid Balance, Andrew Clark, Alison Coletta, and John Cleland
11. Medical Therapy for Chronic Heart Failure
48.:ACE Inhibitors And Vasodilators, Iain Squire and Andrew Clark
49.:ARB & ARNI, John McMurray
50.:Beta-Blockers, Simon AS Beggs, Roy S Gardner, and Theresa McDonagh
51.:Aldosterone Antagonist, S. Rekhraj, B. Szwejkowski, and Allan Struthers
52.:Rate Limiting Agents (Digoxin), Joseph J Cuthbert and Andrew Clark
53.:Rate Limiting Agents (Ivabradine), Martin Cowie
54.:Antithrombotics, John Cleland
55.:Problems With Medical Therapy, Compliance And Alternative Therapies, Paul Forsyth and Steve McGlynn
12. Non-Pharmological Management
56.:Cardiac Rehabilitation, Massimo Piepoli and Andrew Clark
57.:Nonpharmacological Management, Lynda Blue
13. Device therapy for Heart Failure
58.:ICD, Jane A Cannon and Derek T Connelly
59.:CRT (Including Optimisation), Paul Haydock and Peter J. Cowburn
14. Surgical therapy for Heart Failure
60.:Heart Transplantation, Georgios Karagiannis, Diana Garcia Saez, Margaret M Burke, Andre R Simon, and Nicholas R Banner
61.:Revascularisation, Remodelling And Mv Surgery, John Pepper
62.:Mechanical Cardiac Support, Stephen Pettit
15. Disease Management
63.:Multidisciplinary Approach, Ali Vazir and Suzanna Hardman
64.:Supportive Care, Miriam Johnson
65.:Monitoring (Simple To Telemetry), Martin Cowie and Andrew Harper
66.:Quality Improvement In Heart Failure (Inc Guideline Comparison), Theresa McDonagh
16. The Future
67.:The Future, Roy Gardner, Theresa McDonagh, and Andrew Clark
68.:Regenerative Therapies, Richard Jabbour and Alexander Lyon