Lavishly illustrated, this highly successful book has been completely revised and updated but continues to provide the principles and practice of ophthalmic lens dispensing for all optometrists and dispensing opticians.
- Well presented, essential information in a readily accessible form
- Learn from the experience of a top international expert in the field
- All the information that you need to understand and dispense ophthalmic lenses in one volume
- From a highly acclaimed series published in Optician
What""s New:
- New materials and products to keep you totally up-to-date
- More information on anti-reflective coatings, tints, progressive lenses, safety and standards providing essential information for your practice
- Expanded CD-Rom includes new tutorials to help explain points in the text and a new lens design program
- New illustrations to further help you understand the theory
Chapter 1. Introduction to the theory of ophthalmic lenses
Chapter 2. Form and material of ophthalmic lenses
Chapter 3. Lens centration
Chapter 4. Aspheric lenses
Chapter 5. Reflections from spectacle lens surfaces
Chapter 6. Surface treatments
Chapter 7. Tinted lenses
Chapter 8. Dispensing in myopia
Chapter 9. Dispensing in hypermetropia
Chapter 10. Bifocal lenses
Chapter 11. Trifocal lenses
Chapter 12. Progressive power lenses
Chapter 13. Dispensing in aphakia
Chapter 14. Safety lenses
Chapter 15. Special lenses
Chapter 16. Lens manufacture - single vision lens surfaces
Chapter 17. Lens manufacture - multifocal surfaces
Multiple-choice questions
Answers to multiple-choice questions
Instructions for installing and using the CD-ROM