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OCULOPLASTIC SURGERY ATLAS‚ Eyelid and lacrimal disorders

OCULOPLASTIC SURGERY ATLAS- Eyelid and lacrimal disorders-9783319673332
  1. Autor:


  2. Isbn:


  3. Páginas:


  4. Año:


  5. Edición:


  6. Idioma:


  7. Disponibilidad:

    De 7 a 10 Días

Precio s/iva:

90.00 €

85,50  €

When the first edition of this atlas was published in 2002, it was well received throughout the oculoplastic and ophthalmology community for its simplicity and clinical focus. Now, a decade later, surgical techniques have been updated to reflect current practice models and advances in technology. The field of oculoplastic surgery has grown and evolved to include all aspects of eyelid and facial plastic surgery and the literature must now reflect the advancements of this field. Oculoplastic Surgery Atlas: Eyelid and Lacrimal Disorders, 2nd edition

combines text and diagrams, plus surgical videos that enable readers to perform this surgery with the best possible instruction and preparation. Written for ophthalmology specialists and residents, this new edition presents many aspects of facial cosmetic surgery, including lacrimal anatomy, nasolacrimal duct disorders, canaliculitis, and canalicular involving eyelid laceration.

1. Surgical Anatomy of the Eyelid
2. Entropion
3. Ectropion
4. Eyelid Retraction and Lagophthalmos
5. Blepharoptosis
6. Eyelid Reconstruction
7. Floppy Eyelid Syndrome
8. Lacrimal Disorders

Libreria Médica Berri 2025 ®