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OCULOFACIAL PLASTIC AND ORBITAL SURGERY (Basic and Clinical Science Course 2023-2024)

OCULOFACIAL PLASTIC AND ORBITAL SURGERY (Basic and Clinical Science Course 2023-2024)-9781681046198
  1. Autor:

    AAO 7 Korn

  2. Isbn:


  3. Páginas:


  4. Año:


  5. Edición:


  6. Idioma:


  7. Disponibilidad:

    De 7 a 10 Días

Precio s/iva:

201.39 €

191,32  €

Section 7 of the Academy""s Basic and Clinical Science CourseÖ (BCSC®) details the anatomy of the orbit and adnexa and emphasizes a practical approach to evaluating and managing orbital and eyelid disorders, including malpositions and involutional changes. This Section covers current information on congenital, inflammatory, infectious, neoplastic and traumatic conditions of the orbit and accessory structures. It reviews key aspects of orbital, eyelid and facial surgery and abnormalities of the lacrimal secretory and drainage systems and activities.

This major revision of BCSC Section 7 has an expanded discussion and depiction of oculofacial anatomy with detailed images of cadaveric dissections. Increase your understanding with over 170 new photographs and illustrations included in this major revision.

Review key concepts with 28 videos demonstrating the excision of a lateral dermoid and a medial dermoid, a white-eyed blow-out fracture, enucleation with an orbital implant, incision and drainage of a chalazion and lateral canthal defect repair using an O-to-Z flap. This edition includes four interactive activities covering the side and top views of the left orbit, eyelid anatomy and danger zones with filler injections (sample).

Upon completion of Section 7, readers should be able to:
- Describe the normal anatomy and function of orbital and oculofacial tissues
- Choose appropriate examination techniques and protocols for diagnosing disorders of the orbit, eyelids and lacrimal system
- Describe functional and cosmetic indications in the medical and surgical management of oculofacial conditions

Libreria Médica Berri 2025 ®