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Solo para España


  1. Autor:

    Di Rocco

  2. Isbn:


  3. Páginas:


  4. Año:


  5. Edición:


  6. Idioma:


  7. Disponibilidad:

    De 7 a 10 Días

Precio s/iva:

260.00 €

247,00  €

The aim of this book is to cover the domain of craniofacial surgery focusing on neurological and neurosurgical issues. It will offer neurosurgeons and allied specialists a practical way to manage these complex and common malformations in a timely and appropriate way. At the same time, they will be provided the knowledge necessary to understand the functional aspects of these diseases, their anatomical and dynamic impact on the underlying cerebral and vascular structures as well as the cerebrospinal fluid pathways, to overcome the limits of the mere morphological and esthetical correction.

Written by experts in the field, the book will represent a reference resource not only for pediatric neurosurgeons and plastic and reconstructive maxillofacial surgeons, but also for all neurosurgeons, residents, and fellows working in this area.

Historical Perspective on the Evolution of the Techniques and Controversies
Embryology and Skull Growth: What Is Important for the Neurosurgeon?
Genetics of Craniosynostoses: What Is Important for the Neurosurgeon?
Craniofacial Anomalies and Neurocognitive Aspects in Fgfrs-Craniosynostoses Mouse Models
Neurocranial Growth in Craniosynostosis
Clinical Aspects and Management Principles
Clinical Diagnosis of Craniosynostosis: What Is Important for the Surgeon
Sagittal Suture Synostosis: Key Points for Surgeons and Management Principles (Diagnosis, Surgical Considerations and Timing)
Key Points for the Neurosurgeons and Management Principles (Diagnosis, Surgical Principles, Their Rationale, and Timing)
Unilateral Coronal Craniosynostosis: Clinical Presentation and Management Principles
Lambdoid Sutures Synostosis: Key Points for the Neurosurgeons, Management Principles (Diagnosis, Surgical Principles and Their Rationale, Timing)
Bilambdoid and Sagittal Craniosynostosis (BLSS)
Multiple Sutures Synostosis: Key Points for the Neurosurgeons and Management Principles
Controversies in the Indications for Surgery
CSF, ICP and Hemodynamics Alterations
Ventricular and Pericerebral Cerebrospinal Fluid Accumulation in Craniosynostosis
Craniocerebral Disproportion, Cerebral Perfusion, and Raised Intracranial Pressure in Craniosynostosis
Non-invasive Assessment of ICP and Perfusion in Craniosynostosis
Venous Anomalies in Craniosynostosis
Cerebellar Tonsils Herniation and Syringomyelia in Craniosynostoses
The Multidisciplinary Team and the Neurosurgeon
Antenatal Diagnosis of Craniosynostosis
Neuroimaging in the Craniosynostoses
ENT and Craniosynostosis
Complications and Long-Term Surgical Outcome in Craniosynostoses
Syndromic Craniosynostosis
What to Ask to the Geneticist in Craniosynostosis?
The Role of a Psychologist on a Craniosynostosis Team
Technical Aspects
The Role of 3D Technology in the Neurosurgical Management of Craniosynostosis
3D Models in Craniofacial Surgical Training
Craniosynostosis: Anesthetic Considerations_What the Pediatric Neurosurgeon Should Know
Hemostasis and Transfusion in Craniosynostoses Surgery
Principles and Techniques of Endoscopic Management
Principles and Technique of Anterior Vault Remodeling
Principles and Techniques of Posterior Vault Remodeling
Technical Tips for Surgery in Older Children
Hydrocephalus and Craniosynostosis
Management of Hydrocephalus in Patients with Craniosynostosis
Postoperative Management and Long-Term Follow-Up After Surgery for Craniosynostosis
Surgical Atlas: How I Do It (Sagittal, Metopic, Coronal, Lambdoid)
Sagittal Suture Synostosis: Endoscopic Approach, Key Points for the Neurosurgeons
Sagittal Suture Synostosis: Open Vault Surgery in Young Children, Key Points for Neurosurgeons
Sagittal Suture Synostosis: Distraction Osteogenesis, Key Points for the Neurosurgeons
Spring-Mediated Cranioplasty for Treatment of Sagittal Synostosis
Sagittal Suture Synostosis: Surgical Technique in Older Children
Metopic Suture Synostosis: Endoscopic Approach, Key Points for the Neurosurgeons
Metopic Suture Synostosis: Open Vault Surgery: Key Points for the Neurosurgeon
Unicoronal Suture Synostosis: Endoscopic Approach for the Neurosurgeons
Unicoronal Suture Synostosis: Open Vault Surgery, Key Points for the Neurosurgeons
Bicoronal Sutures Synostosis
Lambdoid Suture Synostosis: Endoscopic Approach, Key Points for Neurosurgeons
Lambdoid Suture Synostosis: Open Vault Surgery, Key Points for the Neurosurgeons
Foramen Magnum Decompression in Craniosynostosis
Results and Outcome Analysis
Evaluation Tools for Craniosynostosis
Complications and Long-Term Surgical Outcome in Craniosynostoses
Quality of Life Metrics in Craniosynostosis: A Guide for Surgeons and Healthcare Practitioners
Long Follow-Up Results in Craniosynostoses

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