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Gastos de envío GRATIS

Solo para España


  1. Autor:

    Reid Campion

  2. Isbn:


  3. Páginas:


  4. Año:


  5. Edición:


  6. Idioma:


  7. Disponibilidad:

    De 2 a 3 Semanas

Precio s/iva:

61.01 €

57,96  €

Internationally known as a leader and innovator in hydrotherapy, Margaret Reid Campion has long been associated with the Halliwick approach to exercise techniques in water. This book combines her previous works on paediatric and adult hydrotherapy: the valuable rehabilitative and recreational ideas for children in water are linked with constructive and sensible guidelines for both traditional and original prescriptions for the rehabilitation of adults.

In this contemporary and completely revised edition an impressive range of contributors have been gathered together to produce a definitive but practical text. Throughout the awareness of the value of the principles and practice of the Halliwick Method are linked to managing hydrotherapy treatments.

Essential reading for physiotherapy students at all levels Hydrotherapy: Principles and Practice will be invaluable as the basic hydrotherapy text.

Introduction to Hydrotherapy
Section I - Principles: The physiological, therapeutic and psychological effects of activity in water Key features of pool design and caring for the pool Basic physics - shape and density Assessment and recording
Section II - Practice of Paediatric Hydrotherapy: Activity in water - ways and means Specific paediatric disabilities and their handling The Halliwick Method and Conductive eduction
Section III - Practice of Adult Hydrotherapy: Techniques of exercise in water and therapeutic swimming Overview to Chapters 9 and 10 The neurosurgical patient and head injuries Neurological rehabilitation Overview to Chapters 11 and 12 Spinal mobilizations Spinal cord injuries Overview to Chapters 13, 14 and 15 Rheumatic diseases Orthopaedics Management of sports injuries
Section IV - Health Promotion: Overview to Chapters 16, 17 and 18 Aquanatal exercise Aqua relaxation for mothers and babies Water fitness for the older adult and frail aged

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