A thoroughly updated and expanded new edition of the only book providing comprehensive treatment of hospice and palliative care in veterinary medicine
Animals with life-limiting illnesses deserve compassionate, thoughtful, end-of-life care. Their caregivers and families, faced with the loss of a beloved companion, deserve empathy, support, and education, to guide them through an emotionally wrenching period and provide their companion animals with the highest possible quality of life. In recent years, the ethics of care and service to sick and dying animals and their caregivers has been the subject of considerable attention.
Hospice and Palliative Care for Companion Animals, 2nd Edition provides a thorough update to the first and only complete guide to this field of service, its foundations, and its applications. It addresses the needs of pets, caregivers, and veterinary professionals alike, including fundamental ethical and emotional principles as well as detailed discussion of specific illnesses and life-limiting conditions. The expanded second edition incorporates cutting-edge research into animal behavior and cognition to enrich the reader""s understanding of companion animals"" emotional needs and their experience of illness and death.
Hospice and Palliative Care for Companion Animals, 2nd Edition readers will also find:
- Existing chapters expanded to incorporate new research and practical experience
- New chapters discussing factors underlying the decision to euthanize, the potential role of ethology in palliative care, and more
- A companion website with educational handouts for use in veterinary practices
Hospice and Palliative Care for Companion Animals is an indispensable resource for caregivers and veterinary professionals alike.
Part I. Core Concepts
Introduction / Jessica Pierce
Evolution of the Relationship Between Humans and Their Companion Animals
New Scientific Knowledge About Animal Emotion and Cognition
Veterinary End-of-Life Care: Are We Keeping Up with New Science?
2 What is "Animal Hospice and Palliative Care"? / Tami Shearer and Amir Shanan
3 The Interdisciplinary Team / Tammy Wynn and Amir Shanan
4 Quality of Life (QOL) Assessments / Jessica Pierce and Amir Shanan
5 Recognizing Distress / Emma Griggs, Suzanne Hetts and Amir Shanan
6 Balancing Efficacy of Treatment Against Burdens of Care / Kris August
7 Ethical Decision-making / Jessica Pierce and Amir Shanan
8 Supporting Relationships: Providers"" Non-Medical Roles / Amir Shanan and Laurel Lagoni
9 Management and Administration -- Business Models / Kathy Cooney
Part II. Patient Care
10 Cancers in Dogs and Cats / Betsy Hershey and Alice Villalobos
11 Integrative Therapies for the Palliative Care of the Veterinary Cancer Patient / Betsy Hershey
12 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) / Shea Cox and Christie Cornelius
13 Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) / Shea Cox and Christie Cornelius
14 Respiratory Distress / Cheryl Braswell
15 Gastrointestinal Conditions / Shea Cox and Christie Cornelius
16 Musculoskeletal Disorders / Tami Shearer
17 Nervous System Disease / Tami Shearer
18 Cognitive Dysfunction / Tami Shearer
19 Pharmacology Interventions for Symptom Management / Shea Cox
20 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation / Tami Shearer
21 Integrative Medicine in Animal Hospice and Palliative Care / Kris August
22 Nursing Care for Seriously Ill Animals - Art and Techniques / MaryEllen Goldberg and Shea Cox
23 Comfort Care During Active Dying / Gail Pope and Amir Shanan
24 Euthanasia in Animal End-of-Life Care / Kathy Cooney
Part III. Caregiver Needs: Providing Support
25 Caregivers"" Emotional Burden: Recognizing, Acknowledging and Addressing Human Distress / Amir Shanan
26 Pet Caregiving Burden / MaryBeth Spitznagel and Mark Carlson
27 Addressing Spiritual Needs of Caregivers / Carol Rowehl
28 Factors Contributing to the Decision to Euthanize Pet Dogs and Cats / Beth Marchitelli and Nathaniel Cook
29 Supporting Other Needs / MaryEllen Goldberg and Shea Cox
30 Aftercare / Coleen Ellis