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GOODHEART"S SAME-SITE DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS‚ Dermatology for the primary health care provider

GOODHEART"S SAME-SITE DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS- Dermatology for the primary health care provider-9781975161330
  1. Autor:


  2. Isbn:


  3. Páginas:


  4. Año:


  5. Edición:


  6. Idioma:


  7. Disponibilidad:

    De 7 a 10 Días

Precio s/iva:

115.00 €

109,25  €

Recognizing that many skin disorders have a predilection to occur at specific sites, Goodheart""s Same- Site Differential Diagnosis, 2nd Edition, is organized in a convenient, head-to-toe fashion so physicians can quickly reach a differential diagnosis between skin disorders that are often confused with each other. Drs. Herbert P. Goodheart Mercedes E. Gonzalez presents hundreds of full-color images of common skin disorders side by side with their clinical look-alikes or other diagnostic possibilities that occur at the same anatomic site for easy comparison. Ideal for the non-dermatologist and dermatologists in training, this fully updated, highly illustrated text is invaluable for all clinicians who are on the front line of diagnosing and treating skin disorders.

- Helps you narrow the number of diagnostic possibilities and reach a specific diagnosis or differential diagnosis quickly and accurately.
- Presents differential diagnoses by region, along with key physical findings, pertinent laboratory tests, and historical information to help you arrive at a definitive diagnosis.
- Describes the step-by-step management of each condition on a facing page, including brief listings of recommended first-line and alternative therapies.
- Features new introductory material including an explanation of how to use the book and a glossary of basic dermatologic terminology with descriptions of primary and secondary cutaneous lesions and reaction patterns.
- Contains more than 150 new, full-color images covering variations of clinical presentation, including more images of people of color.
- Includes four new chapters: Fever and Rash, Cutaneous Manifestations of Pregnancy, Cutaneous Manifestations of HIV Disease, and Cutaneous Manifestations of COVID-19.
- Features a new trim size and new interior design that improve readability and visual appeal.
- Uses extensive cross referencing that directs the reader to other body sites that describe the same disorder.
- Contains a useful appendix with g illustrated diagnostic and therapeutic techniques.

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Libreria Médica Berri 2025 ®