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FUSTER & HURST"S THE HEART-9781264257560
  1. Autor:


  2. Isbn:


  3. Páginas:


  4. Año:


  5. Edición:


  6. Idioma:


  7. Disponibilidad:

    De 7 a 10 Días

Precio s/iva:

218.27 €

207,36  €

The landmark text that belongs in the hands of every cardiologist?fully updated and reorganized to make it more patient-centric than ever

World-famous for its authority and clinical relevance, Fuster and Hurst""s The Heart is cardiology""s longest continuously published reference book. Written to meet the ever-changing needs of cardiologists, fellows, and interns, this trusted classic offers a solid foundation in cardiovascular medicine and complete coverage of all major cardiovascular topics.

This fifteenth edition presents a greater focus on the practicalities of patient care. Additionally, the content is ordered in a more methodical pattern, from mechanism to management. Reflecting the latest technical, therapeutic, and clinical advances, Fuster and Hurst""s The Heart provides invaluable concise summaries of major new trials and guidelines.

Authoritative Coverage and Unmatched Utility:
- Central Illustrations
- New section on cardiovascular critical care
- New chapter "Cardiovascular Disease and COVID-19"
- Chapter summaries
- ACC/AHA/ESC guidelines in all chapters
- 1,200+ photos and illustrations

Sections Include:
- Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease
- Atherosclerosis and Coronary Heart Disease
- Diseases of the Great Vessels and Peripheral Vessels
- Valvular Heart Disease
- Rhythm and Conduction Abnormalities
- Heart Failure
- Diseases of the Pericardium
- Cardiopulmonary Disease
- Critical Cardiovascular Care
- Adult Congenital Heart Disease
- Special Populations and Topics in Cardiovascular Disease

SECTION I Introduction
1. The Global Burden ofCardiovascular Diseases
2. Clinical Cardiovascular Examination
3. Cardiovascular Imaging Techniques
4. Genomics and Epigenomics of Heart Diseases
SECTION II Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease
5. Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Treatment of Hypertension
6. Cardiometabolic Disease: Insulin Resistance, Obesity, and the MetabolicSyndrome
7. Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
8. Tobacco-Related Cardiovascular Disease
9. Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Disease
10. Hypercholesterolemia, Hyperlipoprotein(A), Hypertriglyceridemia, and Low HDL
11. Psychological Factors in Cardiovascular Health and Disease
12. Sedentary Lifestyle and Role of Exercise in Cardiovascular Diseases
13. Nutrition, Diet, and Alcohol in Health and Cardiovascular Disease
14. Inflammation and Atherosclerosis
15. Location and Level of Care, Education, Availability of Medicines, andCardiovascular Mortality
SECTION III Atherosclerosis and Coronary Heart Disease
16. Pathology and Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis and its Progression
17. Pathogenesis of Coronary Thrombosis and Myocardial Infarction
18. ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI)
19. Evaluation and Management of Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes
20. Mimickers of Atherosclerotic Myocardial Infarction: SCAD, Coronary Vasospasm,Myocarditis, and Takotsubo Syndrome
21. Chronic Coronary Syndromes
22. Cardiac Rehabilitation: Current Practice and Future Directions
SECTION IV Diseases of the Great Vessels and Peripheral Vessels
23. Diseases of the Aorta
24. Carotid Artery Disease
25. Cerebrovascular Disease
26. Diagnosis and Management of Diseases of the Peripheral Arteries
SECTION V Valvular Heart Disease
27. Acute Rheumatic Fever
28. Aortic Stenosis
29. Aortic Regurgitation, Mixed Valvular Heart Disease, and Heart Valve Prostheses
30. Mitral Regurgitation
31. Acquired Tricuspid Valve Diseases
32. Mitral Stenosis
33. Infective Endocarditis
SECTION VI Rhythm and Conduction Abnormalities
34. Electrophysiologic Anatomy, Mechanisms of Arrhythmias and ConductionDisturbances, and Genetics
35. Supraventricular Tachycardia: Atrial Tachycardia, Atrioventricular NodalReentry, and Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
36. Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter
37. Ventricular Arrhythmias and Sudden Cardiac Death
38. Conduction System Disturbances and Bradyarrhythmias
39. Diagnosis and Management of Syncope
SECTION VII Heart Failure
40. Classification of Cardiomyopathies
41. Dilated Cardiomyopathy
42. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
43. Cardiac Amyloidosis
44. Restrictive Heart Diseases
45. Left Ventricular Noncompaction
46. Myocarditis
47. Obstructive and Nonobstructive Coronary Disease in Heart Failure
48. Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Heart Failure
49. Diagnosis and Management of Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction
50. Evaluation and Management of Acute Heart Failure
51. Peripartum Cardiomyopathy
52. Surgical Management of the Severe Heart Failure Patient: Mechanical CirculatorySupport and Heart Transplantation
SECTION VIII Diseases of the Pericardium
53. Acute Pericarditis
54. Percardial Effusion and Tamponade
55. Constrictive Pericarditis
SECTION IX Cardiopulmonary Disease
56. Diagnosis and Management of Diseases of the Peripheral Venous System
57. Pulmonary Hypertension
58. Pulmonary Embolism
59. Cor Pulmonale: The Heart in Structural Lung Disease
60. Sleep-Disordered Breathing
SECTION X Critical Cardiovascular Care
61. Evolution of Cardiac Critical Care
62. Circulatory and Cardiogenic Shock
63. Sudden Cardiac Death and Resuscitation
64. Postoperative and Postprocedural Care in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit
SECTION XI Adult Congenital Heart Disease
65. Anatomical and Physiological Classification of Adult Congenital Heart Disease
66. Shunt Lesions
67. Right-Sided Lesions
68. Left Heart Obstructive Lesions
69. Single Ventricle Post Fontan Palliation: Tricuspid Atresia, Pulmonary Atresia,and Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
70. Complex Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease: The "Mixing" Lesions
71. Psychosocial Profiles in Adult Congenital Heart Disease and Transition toAdulthood
SECTION XII Special Populations and Topics in Cardiovascular Disease
72. Perioperative Evaluation for Noncardiac Surgery
73. Anesthesia and the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease
74. Cardiovascular Disease in Patients With Cancer and Cardiovascular Complicationsof Cancer Therapies
75. Heart Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease
76. Rheumatologic Disease and the Cardiovascular System
77. Cardiovascular Disease in Patients with HIV
78. Heart Disease inPregnancy
79. Traumatic Heart Disease
80. Women and Ischemic Heart Disease: An Evolution in Knowledge
81. Race, Ethnicity, Disparities, and Diversity: The Intersection With HeartDisease
82. Cardiovascular Disease and Ageing: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms
83. Artificial Intelligence and Cardiovascular Care
84. Cardiovascular Manifestations of COVID-19

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