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Gastos de envío GRATIS

Solo para España


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  7. Disponibilidad:

    De 2 a 3 Semanas

Precio s/iva:

203.52 €

193,34  €

On the cutting edge of medical diagnostics, plasma proteomics promises to generate a new wave of technologies to help identify many different diseases and disease risks.

Plasma and serum are the preferred non-invasive specimens to test normal individuals, at-risk groups, and patients for protein biomarkers discovered and validated to reflect physiological, pathological, and pharmacological phenotypes. These specimens present enormous challenges due to extreme complexity, huge dynamic range in protein concentrations, non-standardized methods of sample processing, and intra- and inter-individual variation from genetics, diet, smoking, hormones, and other sources. This book presents the major findings from the collaborative Plasma Proteome Project organized by the international Human Proteome Organization (HUPO). The chapters are drawn from a larger set of publications in the journal PROTEOMICS. This book provides a valuable foundation for development and applications of proteomics.

1. Overview of the HUPO Plasma Proteome Project: Results from the pilot phase with 35 collaborating laboratories and multiple analytical groups, generating a core dataset of 3020 proteins and a publicly-available database
2. Data management and preliminary data analysis in the pilot phase of the HUPO Plasma Proteome Project
3. HUPOPlasma Proteome Project specimen collection and handling: Towards the standardization of parameters for plasma proteome samples
4. Immunoassay and antibody microarray analysis of the HUPO Plasma Proteome Project reference specimens: Systematic variation between sample types and calibration of mass spectrometry data
5. Depletion of multiple high-abundance proteins improves protein profiling capacities of human serum and plasma
6. A novel four-dimensional strategy combining protein and peptide separation methods enables detection of low-abundance proteins in human plasma and serum proteomes
7. A study of glycoproteins in human serum and plasma reference standards (HUPO) using multilectin affinity chromatography coupled with RPLC-MS/MS
8. Evaluation of prefractionation methods as a preparatory step for multidimensional based chromatography of serum proteins
9. Efficient prefractionation of low-abundance proteins in human plasma and construction of a two-dimensional map
10. Comparison of alternative analytical techniques for the characterisation of the human serum proteome in HUPO Plasma Proteome Project
11. A proteomic study of the HUPO Plasma Proteome Project""s pilot samples using an accurate mass and time tag strategy
12. Analysis of Human Proteome Organization Plasma Proteome Project (HUPOPPP) reference specimens using surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization-time of flight (SELDI-TOF) mass spectrometry:Multi-institution correlation of spectra and identification of biomarkers
13. An evaluation, comparison, and accurate benchmarking of several publicly availableMS/MS search algorithms: Sensitivity and specificity analysis
14. Human Plasma PeptideAtlas
15. Do we want our data raw? Including binary mass spectrometry data in public proteomics data repositories
16. A functional annotation of subproteomes in human plasma
17. Cardiovascular-related proteins identified in human plasma by the HUPO Plasma Proteome Project Pilot Phase

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