ERC manual for non-specialised nurses, paramedics and non emergency physicians to recognise and manage critically ill children and children in cardio-respiratory arrest whilst awaiting the arrival of a resuscitation team.
Used during the European Paediatric Immediate Life Support (EPILS) Course.
Based upon the ERC Guidelines 2021.
0. About the course
0.1 Important: lifelong learning and certificate validity
0.2 Glossary
0.3 In times of a pandemic
1. Introduction: children differ
1.2 Normal values of parameters for age (see online content)
2. Recognition of the critically ill child
2.2 Recognition: final algorithm & videos (see online content)
3. Airway and breathing
4. Circulation
5. Basic life support of infant and child
5.1 PBLS additional video in-hospital cardiac arrest (see online content)
5.2 PBLS additional video suddeen witnessed collapse (see online content)
6. Background: advanced life support: algorithm & video (see online content)
6.2 Advanced life support in detail
6.3 Advanced life support - working as a team
7. Ethics in paediatric life support
8. Post-resuscitation care, handover & transport
9. Initial management of specific paediatric emergencies