The main themes of this book-planning and occlusion-are inseparable determinants for the success of every restorative treatment and for the long-term reputation of a dental practice. Thus, in a clear and uncomplicated manner, this book presents protocols containing all the relevant aspects related to case planning with different degrees of complexity. The primary purpose of the book is to obtain results with consistency and predictability that exceed the expectations of patients and dentists. An extensive review of the literature on occlusion is presented so that the reader can understand all the critical principles related to the topic and apply them in a practical and effective manner.
Part 1. The Planning Process
Chapter 01. Anamnesis
Chapter 02. Clinical Exam
Chapter 03. Multidisciplinar Planning
Chapter 04. Restorative Material Selection
Chapter 05. Treatment Plan Presentation
Chapter 06. Follow-Up And Maintanance
Part 2. Function in Esthetics
Chapter 07. Introduction to Functional Occlusion
Chapter 08. Monting in Semiadjustable Articulators
Chapter 09. Maxilomandibular Relations
Chapter 10. Functional Guides
Chapter 11. Vertical Dimension of Occlusion
Chapter 12. Occlusal Plane
Chapter 13. Occlusal Adjustment
Chapter 14. Interocclusal Splint