Now in its fully revised and expanded third edition, this comprehensive text represents a compilation of the critical endocrinology topics in the areas of sports medicine, kinesiology and exercise science, written by leading experts in the field.
As in previous editions, the focus here is on the critical issues involved in understanding human endocrinology and hormonal workings with regards to physical activity, exercise and sport and how such workings impact the full range of medical conditions, overall health and physiological adaptation. Chapters included discuss the effect of exercise on the HPA axis, the GH-IGF-1 axis, thyroid function, diabetes, and the male and female reproductive systems, among other topics. Additional chapters present the current evidence on circadian endocrine physiology, exercise in older adults, exercise and hormone regulation in weight control, and the effects of overtraining in sports. Chapters brand new to this edition present the role of hormones in muscle hypertrophy, the effect of exercise on hormones in metabolic syndrome patients, how exercise impacts appetite-regulating hormones in clinical populations, and the relative energy deficiency in sport (RED-S) condition.
1. Methodological Considerations in Exercise Endocrinology
2. Endogenous Opiates and Exercise-Related Hypoalgesia
3. The Effect of Exercise on the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis
4. Impact of Chronic Training on Pituitary Hormone Secretion in Humans
5. Exercise and the GH-IGF-I Axis
6. Exercise and Thyroid Function
7. The Male Reproductive System, Exercise, and Training: Endocrine Adaptations
8. Exercise and the Hypothalamus: Ovulatory Adaptations
9. Adrenergic Regulation of Energy Metabolism
10. Sex Differences in Energy Balance and Weight Control
11. Exercise Training in the Normal Female: Effects of Low Energy Availability on Reproductive Function
12. Ghrelin Responses to Acute Exercise and Training
13. Hormonal Regulation of Fluid and Electrolyte Homeostasis During Exercise
14. Hormonal Regulation of the Positive and Negative Effects of Exercise on Bone
15. Interrelations Between Acute and Chronic Exercise Stress and the Immune and Endocrine Systems
16. Effects of Female Reproductive Hormones on Sports Performance
17. Endocrine Implications of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport
18. Vitamin D and Exercise Performance
19. The Effects of Altitude on the Hormonal Response to Physical Exercise
20. An Introduction to Circadian Endocrine Physiology: Implications for Exercise and Sports Performance
21. The Role of Hormones in Exercise-Induced Muscle Hypertrophy
22. Endocrine Responses to Acute and Chronic Exercise in the Developing Child
23. Exercise in Older Adults: The Effect of Age on Exercise Endocrinology
24. Immune, Endocrine, and Soluble Factor Interactions During Aerobic Exercise in Cancer Survivors
25. Type I Diabetes and Exercise
26. Extreme Sports and Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in the Twenty-First Century: The Promise of Technology
27. The Endocrine System in Overtraining
28. Hormones as Performance-Enhancing Agents
29. Metabolic Syndrome, Hormones, and Exercise
30. Exercise and Training Effects on Appetite-Regulating Hormones in Individuals with Obesity