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DIXON AND STEIN"S ENCOUNTERS WITH CHILDREN‚ Pediatric Behavior and Development

DIXON AND STEIN"S ENCOUNTERS WITH CHILDREN- Pediatric Behavior and Development-9780443107047
  1. Autor:


  2. Isbn:


  3. Páginas:


  4. Año:


  5. Edición:


  6. Idioma:


  7. Disponibilidad:

    Próxima publicación

Precio s/iva:

98.00 €

93,10  €

Building on the legacy of Drs. Suzanne D. Dixon and Martin T. Stein, Dixon and Stein""s Encounters with Children, Fifth Edition, offers a unique, how-to approach to understanding the developmental stages of childhood, providing practical strategies for today""s clinicians who interact with children and families. Unlike pathology-focused pediatrics texts, this compact volume examines typical child development and offers expert guidance on childhood stages, developmental challenges, family wellbeing, and social determinants of health. From the neonatal visit and newborn exam through the late adolescent years, this highly regarded reference provides thorough, evidence-based guidance with an emphasis on relationships as central to a child""s wellbeing. Content is aligned with the well-child visit schedule, making it highly relevant to new and experienced clinicians alike.

Now under the expert guidance of new editors, Drs. Jenny Radesky and Caroline Kistin, this edition:

Key Features:
- Brings the child""s perspective into focus through the use of numerous children""s drawings and quotes
- Contains a new chapter on the juvenile justice system and school-to-prison pipeline, as well as updates to topics and language that are inclusive of BIPOC families, LGBT families, those experiencing poverty and related material insecurities, children experiencing foster care, and community partnerships to help families under stress
- Draws upon the knowledge and experience of experts in the field and includes new guidance on addressing social determinants of health, promoting parent-child attachment, promoting equitable school readiness, and supporting families through traumatic experiences
- Provides Observational, Interview, and Examination points for each age, and presents a "Heads Up" section in each chapter, alerting clinicians to certain behaviors that may be present
- Discusses key topics such as childhood depression, digital and social media, educational opportunity, community violence, bullying, learning disabilities, and much more
- Includes data gathering sections at the end of each chapter that demonstrate how to apply information in clinical settings by using age-appropriate interview techniques and activities
- An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date

1. The Importance of Child Behavior and Development in Life Course Health
2. Understanding Children: Theories, Concepts, and Insights
3. Preparing Your Practice for Socially and Emotionally Responsive Care
4. Use of Drawing by Children at Health Encounters
5. The Prenatal Period: Understanding Parent Stress, Mental Health, and Attachment
6. The Newborn: Meeting the Infant
7. Neonatal Intensive Care Units: Special Issues for Medically Vulnerable Infants
8. First Days at Home: Making a Place in the Family
9. One to Two Months: Adjusting to the World
10. Three to Four Months: Smiles and Laughs
11. Six Months: Reaching Out
12. Eight to Nine Months: Exploring and Clinging
13. One Year: One Giant Step Forward
14. Fifteen to Eighteen Months: Declaring Independence and Pushing the Limits
15. Two Years: Language Leaps
16. Three Years: Emergence of Magic
17. Four Years: Clearer Sense of Self
18. Five Years: Opening the School Door
19. Six to Seven Years: Reading, Relationships, and Playing by the Rules
20. Seven to 10 Years: The World of Middle Childhood
21. Eleven to 14 Years: Early Adolescence_Age of Rapid Changes
22. Fifteen to Seventeen Years: Mid-Adolescence_Redefining Self
23. Seventeen to Twenty-One Years: Transition to Adulthood
24. Specific Considerations: Families Impacted by Incarceration and the Criminal Legal System
25. Encounters With Illness: Coping and Growing
26. Stressful Events: Separation, Loss, Violence, and Death
27. Resources for Families: An Annotated Bibliography

Libreria Médica Berri 2025 ®