Designed to provide a quick access to information on diagnosis, pathogenesis, treatment, and prognosis of most ocular diseases and disorders
Arranged in an outline form
Encyclopedic in its coverage
Succint text is augmented of more that 1300 images
So reliable and useful that it will be the primary reference book at the desk-side of every busy ophthalmologist
Includes information on ocular manifestations of genetic disorders and other diseases with secondary ocular symptoms
Will be equally useful to the long-time professional ophthalmologist as to junior residents and students
Designed for the busy clinician, the Clinical Eye Atlas briefly summarizes the key features of the many different disorders encountered in daily practice. This distillation of essential knowledge provides the information necessary to secure a diagnosis, select targeted tests, and initiate effective management. Color illustrations complement the comprehensive topic outlines, giving the clinician a straightforward reference to turn to when confronting both common and uncommon disorders of the eye.