THOMAS S. LUMLEY and GERALD VAN BELLE Data sets, tables, additional examples, and solutions to selected problems will be housed on the web Instructors will have the opportunity to submit their own problems and solutions to be added to the website (with proper citations) Authors will comprehensively update all the material in the book, focusing on current techniques and applications An additional appendix will mention current software packages, web sites, and important data sets that are available to students and practitioners.
1. Introduction to biostatistics.
2. Biostatistical design of medical studies.
3. Descriptive statistics.
4. Statistical inference: populations and samples.
5. One- and two-sample inference.
6. Counting data.
7. Categorical data: contingency tables.
8. Nonparametric, distribution-free, and permutation models : robust procedures.
9. Association and prediction: linear models with one predictor variable.
10. Analysis of variance.
11. Association and prediction: multiple regression analysis and linear models with multiple predictor variables.
12. Multiple comparisons.
13. Discrimination and classification.
14. Principal component analysis and factor analysis.
15. Rates and proportions.
16. Analysis of the time to an event: survival analysis.
17. Sample sizes for observational studies.
18. Longitudinal data analysis.
19. Randomized clinical trials.
20. Personal postscript.