For the new edition of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Dr. Wassertheil-Smoller has included several new chapters (genetic statistics, molecular epidemiology, scientific integrity and research ethics) and a new appendix on the basic concepts of genetics and a glossary of genetic terminology. She has also expanded the coverage of multi-center trials (an important aspect of implementation of the standards of evidence-based medicine), controversies in screening for prostate, colon, breast, and other cancers.
Ch. 1. The Scientific Method.
Ch. 2. A Little Bit of Probability.
Ch. 3. Mostly About Statistics.
Ch. 4. Mostly About Epidemiology.
Ch. 5. Mostly About Screening.
Ch. 6. Mostly About Clinical Trials.
Ch. 7. Mostly About Quality of Life.
Ch. 8. Mostly About Genetic Epidemiology.
Ch. 9. Research Ethics and Statistics.
Postscript: A Few Parting Comments on the Impact of Epidemiology on Human Lives.
App. A. Critical Values of Chi-Square, Z, and t.
App. B. Fisher""s Exact Test.
App. C. Kruskal-Wallis Nonparametric Test to Compare Several Groups.
App. D. How to Calculate a Correlation Coefficient.
App. E. Age-Adjustment.
App. F. Confidence Limits on Odds Ratios.
App. G. "J" or "U" Shaped Relationship Between Two Variables.
App. H. Determining Appropriateness of Change Scores.
App. I. Genetic Principles.