1. Preparation, anaesthesia und post-procedure core
Introduction Patient evaluation Pre-treatment care Pre-anaesthesie evaluation Technical requirements Anaesthesia Post-treatment care Conclusion
2. Infraorbital area: anatomy and dangers
Definitions Taertrough Palpebral malar groove Midcheek fold Dangers
3. Using hyaluronic acid to treat dark rings of the lower eyelid: Hyolurostructure®
Introduction Indications of hyalurostructure Secondary effects of injections with needles Contraindications of hyalurostructure Hyalurostructure technique for baggy lower, Conlusion
4. Eyebrow and temple injections
anatomy of the area and dangers of temporal injections Injection technique Specific feature of the eyebrow Post-operative care Four points to keep in mind
5. The Nose - Fillers and rhinoplasty
Introduction anatomical bases Injectable products Injection technique Treatment protocol Indications Precautions of usage and contraindications Conclusion
6. Mid-cheek groove
Anatomy Injection, Conclusion
7. Mandibular line, chin ond marionette lines
Definitions Pathlogy of the aging of superficial tissues Anatomy Dangers Injections Conclusion
8. Individual face balance®
Volumetric restoration of the face
Introduction Anatomy of the aging face Facial analysis and treatment concept filling products Injection techniques, entry points and treatment tips Clinical case Conclusion
9.Volumizing products and their characteristics
Introductions Common side effects to all injections Complications of permanent Conclusion
10. Unique qualities of Sculptra®
Introduction History Guidance on preparing the product Injection techniques Advantages and discussion Conclusion